Thursday 1 April 2010

Q Contents Analysis

The layout for this music magazine is quite simple yet effective in its delivery as it serves all the purposes of a contents page by; informing the reader about which pages to refer to. It is effective in maintaining the readers attention because for instance, if they were to notice something on the front page which interested them, yet did not know which page it was on then they might not bother flicking through the magazine endlessly to find the page, which may deterr them from purchasing the magazine.

The headings/subheadings makes it clear to the reader that this is the contents page as it is a large/bold font and therefore attracts their attention towards it.

The photo of the band also catchers the readers attention and it is made clear to the reader the levels of importance within this group due to their positioning (e.g. people at the forefront of the image = more important/popular)

The colour scheme used within this contents page is quite dark and similar i.e. black/red/white. Also, the fact that the band are also wearing dark colours may suggest their music is quite heavy and that they are possibly anti authority rebels, so this may suggest that this magazine attracts this particular demographic.

The OASIS SPECIAL is again a way of attracting people to the magazine as it relates specifically to Oasis fans and would therefore appeal to them.

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