Thursday 1 April 2010

The colours in this double page spread give the impression that this band are perhaps a rock/metal band as black/red is often associated with this genre. This is also often associated with the demographic of anti authority rebels as rock and roll often promotes or goes hand in hand with rebellion and breaking away from the mainstream.

The photo's show the band in natural situations/not posing and portrays them to take their music quite seriously as the setting is in a studio/singing on a microphone etc. and not just posing with instruments. This could also suggest this magazine is aimed at the demographic of admiration seekers as the creators of the magazine could purposefully do this to encourage the readers to idolise the artists/band for their music.

The pull quote/heading is a way of drawing the reader in and give them a clue as to what the article/interview will be about so they can judge for themselves whether they want to read it or not.

There isn't a large amount of writing and photos dominate the double page spread. This couldsuggest that image is important to this music magazine in trying to appeal to their demographic. For example anti authority rebels may have shorter attention spans as they don't care as much so images could be used extensively to grab their attention more and keep them involved. Also columns/short paragraphs are used to break down information and make it easier to digest so that it does not seem as if the reader is reading a lot of information.

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