Thursday 1 April 2010

My Double Page Spread

This is my double page spread. I chose to have images dominating the page as it felt this represented my key demographic (creatives/experimentalists) as it is bright and vivid and has an artistic feel to it. I believed that the pose/facial expression of the artist also depicted a somewhat serious tone to the interview as this person is not smiling. I used a high angled camera shot as I though it created more variety than just shooting from straight on. I feel that this caused the artist to seem as if they are squaring up to the camera in a way, which depicted my secondary demographic of anti authority rebels. I maintained a similar background for all of my pieces of work as i felt it flowed better that way and i used a lot of transparent backgrounds, so that the photo was still visible beneath the writing and, in this particular photo, you could still just about see the instrument. I felt it was important that an instrument was visible in all of this 'bands' photo's as it shows a dedication to music, which i wanted to portray in order to relate to my demographic who I believed would be very much into their music and not just mainly the image that may come with the music. I used a pull quote in the middle of this double page interview as i have seen this feature used effectively in other magazines, wiht the intention to grab the readers attention. As well as this I used text box's to fill up the page and ensure that the reader does not get bored or lose focus. I felt the words 'World exclusive' in large font/capital letters portrayed a sense of urgency for the interview to be read and is a persuasive technique to once again urge the target audience to read.

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