Tuesday 30 March 2010

Fonts/Layout/Graphology for my front cover

After sorting out the size/shape of my magazine front cover I went on went on to include more features that are conventionally found on music magazine covers such as smaller photo's of bands/artists which portray what may be found inside the magazine. I noticed that often the title of the magazine is obscured in some way by, for example, the head of an artist. However when doing this I felt that this did not seem to look very professional and decided I wanted the title to be seen fully as it was an important feature.

I gradually built up my magazine front cover until I was happy that it looked good/effective enough. I used managed to fit my previous title 'Empirical' into the magazine by making it the name of the band fronting the magazine. I used simpler yet traditional fonts for subheadings/strap-lines as the main font (JI hidden vines) is quite decorative and could be overpowering if used too extensively. I included images as 'posters' which are featured in the magazine and carefully chose real life artists/bands that I felt fitted in with the vibe of my specific music magazine. I also purposefully included 'Glastonbury' festival on the front page as I felt this also tied in nicely with the creative atmosphere of my magazine.

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