Tuesday 30 March 2010

Fonts/Layout/Graphology for my front cover

The first problem I faced was that the photo's I took were landscape, whereas the front cover of the magazine is meant to be portrait, to fit the criteria. I tackled this by selecting part of the background at the top of the image and copying/pasting it to create an A4 portrait like shape. I then added this to the bottom of the image but was not completely pleased with it and felt it didn't flow very well...




I tried some fonts to see if this could make the possible front cover look any better. The font I used was called 'JI hidden Vines.' I quite liked the font and felt it reflected the creativeness that I wanted to portray in the magazine, but I felt it was quite hard to read, especially because of the colour of it and the fact that the title I originally chose was quite long winded. I liked the word 'Empirical' as it meant experimental and this was the audience I wanted to aim my music magazine at. I worked out that having the background beneath the photo did not look very professional so I decided to repeat the background even more above the 'artists/band' in the photo in order to maintain the A4 portrait shape. This did appear to be make the image seem quite fuzzy and lower quality so I decided the best thing to do was to blur the background slightly, whilst keeping the subjects in focus to show their importance and catch the readers eye. I also felt that the colour was not quite as bright as I'd have liked it to be after I blurred the background so I once again enhanced the brightness/contrast/hue/saturation. After trying many different titles I settled on 'SOLE' as it was short/snappy and also reflected the nature of the magazine I aimed to create. It also, aesthetically, looked more appealing as it was shorter and could fit on the page in capital letters, which once again draw the readers attention to the magazine. This also meant I could keep the font type that I like (JI hidden vines) and still ensure the magazine looked effective. Also, instead of using a brown font colour, I decided to use a brighter, cream/mustard yellow one which I thought worked well in contrast to the dark greens of the background. I felt that using earthy tones/colours worked well in my magazine as it once again related back to the photo's and their setting/background and made the music magazine flow well. I thought it may also create connotations of the music depicted in the magazine to be somewhat raw and natural, which I thought may have related to the creativeness of the audience.

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