Monday 8 February 2010

Kerrang cover

In contrast to NME, KERRANG! Seems to be more concerned with image. This can be seen through the features of graphology on the magazine cover. For example the fonts are more complicated and original than NME and there are various other visual elements included that suggest this magazine considers image to be of high importance (e.g. more photo’s etc.)

There is less information about bands/artists music in general on this front cover and features mainly gossip stories on the front cover (referring to a member of a bands love life as opposed to his music)

The colour scheme for this magazine yet again seems to be designed to cater to the male population (e.g. dark colours: black/red etc.) as does the main image (yet again of a man)

The magazine seems to promote bands that are not completely mainstream, and also of a similar genre (just based on what is shown of their style/image) which may suggest the magazine is aimed at more of a niche market. Also the word ‘Metal’ suggests that people who enjoy this music are being targeted.

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