Wednesday 10 February 2010

Rolling Stone cover

This magazine seems to be designed to appeal to not just one gender. This can be seen as the main colour: white - is neutral and can cater to both sexes.

As opposed to theother two magazine covers i have analysed, this magazine has a woman fronting it. Also, when researching 'Rolling Stone's' magazine covers, i noticed that this magazine often depicted women on the front cover. This suggests that this magazine doesn't just aim to just appeal to men.

Image is obviously an important factor of this magazine as can be seen from the large scale photo that dominates the front cover of the singer 'Taylor Swift' posing (it even blocks out the title of the magazine) the fact that her hair is windswept could show she, and the readers of the magazine, have a carefree attitude. However the artist is pictured with her guitar so it is made clear that this is a music magazine and suggests it's not just all focused on image

The headlines for each music act (on the right) are all of equal size, which could portray how the magazine portrays all different styles of music equally. The word 'secrets' suggests a sense of mischief and could appeal to anti authority rebels.

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