Monday 8 February 2010

NME Magazine cover analysis

The main photo that dominates this front cover is of a famous Male artist. Suggests magazine is perhaps aimed at males more than females.

The colours used (red/black/yellow/blue) are mainly primary colours perhaps to stand out/ practical reasons more than to be aesthetically pleasing. Also suggests magazine is aimed at men rather than women or maybe that the magazine is more focused on music over image through these simple colours.

The fact that Morrissey is fronting the magazine suggests that maybe the magazine is aimed at the older generation too as they tend to enjoy his music. It may also shows that the editors of the magazine are making a bid to expose all different types of music to all ages as is seen through the use of the heading ‘’Arctic Monkeys’ our favourite new band’

It seems that this music magazine stands for rebellion to an extent as it appeals to an audience of a somewhat defiant nature/anti - authority rebels. This can be seen when it is written ‘When in Rome get drunk with...’ The main readers of these magazines are teenagers/young adults who aren’t technically supposed to drink alcohol as it’s against the law. Also the word ‘party’ again suggest the audience are excitable and youthful, as this is a common past time of this generation.

Headlines focus on artists/bands music rather than just gossip surrounding them.

The fact that the camera angle is looking up at Morrissey suggests that he is an important/good musician as it makes him look physically larger. He also has a slight smirk on his face which portrays perhaps self confidence and maybe cockiness. This could reflect the audience/readers of this magazines as he could be their idol and someone they look up to (hence the camera angle)

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