Thursday 1 April 2010

Double Page Spread (written) analysis

I used colloquial language and idiolect within my interview to represent the artists everyday speech when answering questions. So for example I wrote the word 'like' a lot to portray the artists nature/character. I also used non standard english such as swear words (e.g. sh*t) to relate to my secondary demographic of anti authority rebels. To relate to my primary demographic (creatives/experimentalists) I mentioned how the artists created their lyrics as this could inspire the target audience and cause them to buy the magazine for this purpose. I used the format of a Q and A as I felt that the reader could directly relate to the artists/band if they received answers directly from them and they may be more likely to buy it as they idolise these people more.

I used columns/short paragraphs in order to maintain the readers attention and break down information for them. I also broke down Questions and answers using different paragraphs/making questions bold/underlined, so that the piece was clearer and flowed better. As well as this i used initials to portray which speaker was answering the question to once again make it clearer to the reader.

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