Wednesday 3 March 2010

The survey I created included 11 relative questions about music magazines. I conducted this survey in school and asked 13 random people. Most happened to be students and in the age range of 16-20, but one was aged from 35-40 which gave me a slight variation. The results i got are as follows:

Males: 6
Females: 7
People that read music magazines: 7
People that don't read music magazines: 6

5-10: 0
11-15: 0
16-20 yr olds: 12
21-25: 0
26 - 30: 0
31-35: 0
35-40 yr olds: 1
41+: 0

Genre of music preference:
Pop: 2
R'n'B: 0
Rock: 2
Indie: 5
Soul: 1
Metal: 2
Rap: 0
Other: 1

Music magazine preferences:
Kerrang: 3
Rolling Stone: 2
NME: 6

Reading Preferences:
Gossip: 1
Articles: 4
Interviews: 7
News Stories: 1

Front cover preferences:
Females fronting: 0
Males fronting: 2
Either: 11

Other reading preferences:
Female: 1
Male: 2
Either: 10
How much aesthetic features of a magazine affect them buying it:
Not at all: 0
Sometimes: 3
A fair amount: 6
A lot: 4
Demographics: what would you class yourself as?
Anti authoritarian: 2
Joiners: 0
Admiration Seekers: 1
Pleasure seekers: 4
Security and stability seekers: 0
Generation x: 0
Materialists: 1
Achievers: 0
Experimentalists/creatives: 5

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